Help us Update Contracts for partly paid positions, i.e. coaches, coordinators

Help us Update Contracts for partly paid positions, i.e. coaches, coordinators

Help us Update Contracts for partly paid positions, i.e. coaches, coordinators
waikato Lacrosse Association

Estimated Time: 3 - 5 Hours Over 1 - 2 Days

As a new board, we feel the Job contracts in place are probably not legal so would like to update. We pay a small amount to representative coaches and league coordinators, currently using a memorandum of understanding. Any advice would be very much appreciated. We have been financially affected by Covid and trying to support members to stay in sport by reducing costs as much as possible. Our usually popular summer women's league, has been reduced to about a quarter of players.

Working location

Anywhere, can be done remotely

Proposed project steps with time estimates

Review and advise on contract
If possible would like to be completed as soon as possible as need a league coordinator in place for high school league, term 2 2022.

What We Have In Place

I can send current Memorandum of Understanding and job description that has been in use.

waikato Lacrosse Association
What we Do